Principal's Message
Dear parents, respected teachers, loving students and generous Parents, of Christukula Mission Higher Secondary School, Satna, Namaste!
Hope all of you are keeping well by the grace of God! I am extremely happy to become the Principal of this prestigious institution which is 60 years old after being the vice principal for Since 2016. I am proud of its tradition of excellence and consider my appointment as a God-given opportunity to serve you all.
Times are a bit different now …. At this time I remember the incidence, the significance of Jesus calming the storm it is pertinent to what’s happening in our world today and is evidence of God’s love for us. COVID-19 has had a significant impact on our lives. We’re flooded by numerous types of storms daily. These storms are both internal and external. The intense surges of emotion within us are due to our humanity while the chaotic circumstances around us are beyond our control. Right now, many can relate to the disciples’ emotions when Jesus calmed the storm. There have been many epidemics and even pandemics throughout history, and now we have many skilled scientists in the world. So, it seemed that we were prepared for COVID-19. But as country after country and state after state go into lockdown, the same fear and panic the disciples experienced looms over us.

And to steer a ship through troubled waters require the co-operation and dedication of the complete crew. I am sure that you will extend your support in every area and we together will emerge as winners in this trying times. The COVID-19 pandemic is changing many things, especially school education. It has taught us to be responsible for oneself and others by following the steps to stop the spread of virus. It has necessitated greater use of technology in daily life. It has changed the list of key competencies that a teacher and a student requires.
Our curriculum and practices are consistently reviewed to ensure that we are following the most updated best practices, meeting all regulations, and addressing the future needs of our students. Our staff consistently follows current trends and after brainstorming over the best plan of action to incorporate those trends, we zero in on the ones that are most appropriate to our classrooms. The system of education has become so dynamic that it is no longer enough to connect the dots, we need to think out of the box and think beyond a pattern.
Our students, when they graduate from Christukula, would be well equipped with the skills, mind sets and qualities that will best enable them to strive for success in the world of the future. Our children are intelligent, resilient, creative, imaginative, disciplined, respectful, ethical and would remain dedicated to life-long learning. With the nurturing they get from the school they would definitely become the future leaders and role models of society.
Your Child's